Powers and moon kit

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xXx.MARI.xXx, Dec 13, 2022.

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  1. hello, I would like to know what powers the boats have and if you have detailed the power of the complete lua kit, when you have the boat
  2. sheko

    sheko User

    Ahoy @xXx.MARI.xXx

    Please use the search feature provided in the Forum. This will eliminate duplicate threads and save time in the process.

    Please reference the previous post that also addresses your question. Ship Sets, Etc.

    Happy Sailing!
  3. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy xXx.MARI.xXx,

    sheko is right. The Forum has a lot of information that can help you. Thank you sheko for helping your fellow pirate.

    Happy Sailing!
  4. léowxw

    léowxw User


    Maybe it's because i'm bad at navigating but even using the search feature on a the forum i can't find any information about the improvement of the lunar power, even in this section : https://board-en.piratestorm.com/threads/faqs-set-items.15252/

    Can someone show me the way or just explain the details of the the items in the lunar power and their bonuses when combined?
  5. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy léowxw,

    Please check this Link for information concerning the Moon Set. The powers of the complete Moon Set can be seen on the link to the Corona Deck.

    Basically, to receive all the benefits of the Moon Set, you must have all the Blood Moon Set Items (Anchor, Figurehead, Rudder, Bulkhead). The Total Eclipse & Corona Deck would be the last items to complete the 6 Set-Items. The Corona Deck only fits the Total Eclipse.

    The Blood Moon Items stack, including the Blood Moon Deck, and will be placed on every ship you own or will ever own in the game.

    Happy Sailing!
  6. léowxw

    léowxw User

    Thanks for your answer.

    best regards
  7. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy léowxw,

    You are welcome. The Forum Team is glad to be of assistance.

    Best Regards!

    ~~Thread Closed~~
    ~Question Answered~
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