Next Storm Event?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SAVIOR, Jul 11, 2022.

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    SAVIOR User

    When you can bring next storm event? We need Storm deck, storm anchor and storm bulkhead :)
  2. imadrian

    imadrian User

    as you can read on FAQs: Storm Day, it is on 1st day of each month, so the next one will be the 1st-August-2022;


    SAVIOR User

    Thanks for answer. I expected the answer from the forum admins but you were faster than them :)
    imadrian likes this.
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Thanks imadrian for assisting your fellow pirate!

    Ahoy SAVIOR,

    imadrian is correct! The Forum Team suggests using the search feature to find possible answers to your questions before making a post. This will prevent multiple posts about the same topic. Also, please reference the Pirate Storm Bible Index for general information about the game.

    Best Regards!

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