ERRO "Dia de PE em dobro"

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by davidlohan, Apr 30, 2024.

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  1. davidlohan

    davidlohan User


    Olá, Sou David Lohan. O ERRO que está presente no jogo é referente ao "Dia de PE em dobro" que está totalmente bugado, o ganho de XP continua normal no "Dia de PE em dobro". Por favor resolvam, sou nivel 30 e o "Campo de Batalha" só dá preferencia aos nivel 50...


    Hi, I'm David Lohan. The bug that is present in the game refers to the "Double PE Day" which is completely bugged, the XP gain remains normal on the "Double PE Day". Please resolve, I'm level 30 and "Battlefield" only gives preference to level 50...
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy davidlohan,

    Please use the search feature offered in the Forum to prevent duplicate posts about the same issue. Please see one of our most recent replies concerning the issue you are experiencing.

    Best Regards!

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