Bug Of Daily Quests

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by MiniPirate, Oct 26, 2024.

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  1. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User


    EVILME User

    Hello, today the daily missions are not activated...
    I hope that the problem will be resolved during the day because I am counting on these missions to make my daily diamond coast.
    I deplore the state of the game and more particularly since the start of the event.
    Yesterday 2 of my workshop locations did not work, missions for events appear and disappear, whirlpools, arenas and so on...
    I am a player who does not use any cheats and who relies solely on my ability to fish and I swear to you that it is complicated to progress because of all that.
    I know that a lot of players still put a hundred euros into the game and personally I only pay the premium, but cumulatively it makes a nice payday especially when you see that no one is working on the game.
    I am really saddened and angry at the developers, support and forum moderators who pass the buck but give no solutions to problems that are now more than 5 years old for the most part.
    This game was magnificent and you trampled it, you and all the players who agreed to cheat.
  3. Malissa

    Malissa User

    A similar problem
    EU1 Server
    Some of the quests are not selected
    The game freezes periodically
  4. Grijsbaard

    Grijsbaard User

    Same here. Quests can't be played and horrendous lag on EU1.

    EVILME User

    yes, to hard to do dragons cause freezes and all daily quests no possible to do . And forum don t care , i m sure they back for say they can t do nothing ... I want bonus code 5k diamonds minimum, one seal and one coffin nail or bombastic .
  6. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy EVILME,

    Pirate Storm has many issues that cannot be fixed. The Halloween Event Issues have occurred for many years.

    Possible Solutions to your workshop issue and the failure to see whirpools &/or arena can be found HERE.

    A Halloween Event Bonus Code was attempted before the start of the event. The issues with the Halloween Event prevented the Bonus Code from working.

    Happy Sailing!

    EVILME User

    Thank you, I feel revalued and respected as a player... so reporting game-related problems on the forum is no longer useful because nothing will change if I understand correctly? Nor the worries related to whirlpools/arenas/workshop or the problems related to events? And we will no longer have bonus codes because the problems mentioned above prevent them from being sent?
  8. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy EVILME,

    Bonus Codes are still randomly sent. The attempt to provide a Bonus Code failed for this particular event.

    (Game Issues = Forum & Account Issues = Support) Game-related issues/questions/suggestions should always be addressed in the Forum. However, if an issue has been occurring for years, it is doubtful the issue can be fixed. It is best to use the search feature of the Forum to research any history of problems before creating a new thread. Those that have played the game for years realize what the known issues are.

    There are remedies to most login issues as it relates to missing whirlpools/arena/battleground and workshop issues. The link to the Announcement has already been provided to you. Most workshop issues are corrected with the server restart the following day. However, if not corrected by restart, you will need to follow the steps of the Announcement.

    Continual issues with the workshop, (the same stuck workshop for more than 3 Days) must be addressed by the development team. This requires the restart of the servers. If the workshop remains stuck for more than 3 Days, create a New Thread or respond to an Existing Thread. The Forum Team will then contact the Development Team to try and fix the issue. A server restart was made during this event already and fixed the workshop issue. Another restart is planned to occur again. However, today is a German holiday and tomorrow is Friday. Therefore, the restart may not occur until Monday.

    Happy Sailing!
  9. RangerII

    RangerII User

    When I am upgrading cannons, etc., instead of hours it may take 3-4 days. It appears to be complete but doesn't say "Collect." And if you push "Complete" nothing happens, you can't even pay to speed it up. Why would this be? What is the problem? Do others have this issue?
  10. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy RangerII,

    Please read through the response above.

    Happy Sailing!