Auction Bug

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by EVILME, Jan 30, 2025.

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    EVILME User

    Congratulation for this super bug today, all players can t see the game !!!
    a children 10 years old work better than you , shame on you
  2. ArcS1n

    ArcS1n User

    People can see the game on Europa 4, and children have been playing there for 40 years without mistakes.
  3. Shurkan2

    Shurkan2 User

    black screen during smuggler... all diamants invested lost !!! just one player was lucky: he bid just before black screen... a fortune for him for very very few diamants...
  4. Shurkan2

    Shurkan2 User

    what is the answer from bigpoint ?
  5. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The Forum Team has inquired about the issue with the Smuggler's Bay Event and the server issues that some experienced. We will post a reply if/when we are informed of what caused the issue.

    Happy Sailing!
  6. ArcS1n

    ArcS1n User

    today this problems are on moon auction too. just black screeeen after loading the game. refresh page doesn't help

    EVILME User

    Today again , only black screen for the auction . Your reply 10 days after the question ... you kidding
  8. ManuelXDW

    ManuelXDW User

    It also shows me the black page, it keeps loading the page but in vain, I've been struggling for 1 hour, I've reloaded the page non-stop, I've disconnected, closed, reopened, cleared the cache and still nothing. What's even weirder is that this bug was last time at an auction, so could something else be at play?

    EVILME User

    nobody can play in eu1, it s confirmed in all discord servers
  10. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The issue with the servers has been reported.

    Happy Sailing!
  11. Shurkan2

    Shurkan2 User

    hi waterwillow !

    happy sailling...I can sail without game !
    do you have a feed back from support: server is out since 8h AM.

    give players some news please !
    OnlyF2P likes this.
  12. ArcS1n

    ArcS1n User

    I logged in in the morning before restarting the server to pick up the morning colossus. And the reboot still doesn't end. I haven't been able to log on to the server for half an hour, although at this time it usually takes 8-10 minutes to reboot. Am I the only one like this? Europe 1 server

    UPD: after 40 min finally I can come in
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2025
  13. EVILME

    EVILME User

    At 2.30am to 5.40 (restart game ) only black screen in europe1
  14. 66341555

    66341555 User

    Hi, the eu1 server is still down?


    I've got the same issue
  16. Hermionka

    Hermionka User

    14.2. 2025 eu3 off? Where is the problem?
  17. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

  18. Hermionka

    Hermionka User

    Hmm event start and EU3 off 3 days maybe. Not good for lite players and action. We have to wait and hope that tomorrow will be okay. Good luck.
  19. xykt

    xykt User

    Can't access EU1 again!!! How long will this dirty mistake last?
  20. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    All servers are operational at this time.

    Best Regards!

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