wrath of celeritas ship

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by conner111, Apr 21, 2020.

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  1. conner111

    conner111 User

    I have 70% discount on the event and in the merchant under the ship it says save 50% now, but the ship is still needs 75000 diamonds to buy it. i tried refreshing the page and login again but it didn't help. what should i do?
    rekkols and Bug-In-Out like this.
  2. Estack

    Estack User

    Hi, but will there be another discount until today until the 3?
  3. Bug-In-Out

    Bug-In-Out User

    This same thing happened to me. I'm at 60% off and with half off ship shows 87,500. Tried refresh as well. Any help would be great. Thanks
  4. jackiJacki

    jackiJacki User

    hello, I am looking for celeritas and I am 50% off this morning, and since with the event "fill them up" ALL THE SERVER managed to get it for free except that I reduced the event did not make it free. I really hope you can solve this problem so that I can continue my adventure
    ojad likes this.
  5. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The Dragon's Wrath costs 250,000 diamonds. With the Ship's Fully Loaded Event, you can purchase the ship for 125,000 diamonds.

    If your percent discount has brought you down 50%, you should then be able to purchase the ship for 62,500 diamonds.

    If your percent discount has brought you down 80%, you should be able to purchase the ship for 25,000.

    If your discount is not showing correctly and you wish to purchase the ship, please contact Support.

    Happy Sailing.
  6. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    It is doubtful. Again, please purchase items as they are available to you. The event items may not be available after the initial 14 Days of the event.
  7. ojad

    ojad User

    Some players had just 50% discount thanks to the bonus maps.
    With today's discount they got it for free (like I did for deadly jealousy) but no one got the discount you're talking about.
  8. Nereti_pl

    Nereti_pl User

    I have a similar problem I currently have a -80% discount on a special ship and during a Fully Loaded event a ship costs 50,000 diamonds the ship does not have a 50% discount on a Fully Loaded event
  9. BarBariaN

    BarBariaN User

    Same on eu1.
  10. conner111

    conner111 User

    this is the answer support team gave to me :
    " It appears that your 50% Discount is not working correctly. We can offer you the ship for 25,000 diamonds if you wish to purchase it at this time.

    I am unsure about how the discount worked with other ships. I would have to verify that with their account information. Perhaps, they got lucky. I do not know.

    Please let us know you wishes concerning the purchase of the ship."

    i don't know what caused this either, but i'm sure that this amount of players getting the ship for free , it's not luck .
    The^WARRIOR and lexi2000 like this.
  11. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    This is an issue that can only be addressed individually by support.

    If you have encountered a problem with your 50% Discount on the ship, then contact support.

    Regardless if others got the ship for less than they should have, all could possibly earn the ship for 0% by completing the maps. From the post by conner111, support is willing to apply the correct 50% Discount to those wishing to purchase the ship.

    Best Regards!

    ~Thread Closed~
    ~~Referred to Support~~
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