Winter Event

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by MiniPirate, Dec 14, 2024.

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  1. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    Hello, i read that the event will start today at the 14th of December, yet it hasnt started yet, what time will it come?
    MiniPirate SFH EU3
  2. Shurkan2

    Shurkan2 User

    I am in the same case: waterwillow said today is the begining of the event at 12h... but nothing ???
    could you explain us ?
  3. Shurkan2

    Shurkan2 User

    If U can not, could you please tell us when this event will come ...
  4. Hi
    Events never start on weekends, Waterwillow should know.
    Battlefields start on Mondays, and Events, Halloween, Easter, Winter, etc ..Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays.
    So this Winter 2024 Event will start, either exceptionally on Monday 16th, or much more likely on Tuesday 17th.
  5. Shurkan2

    Shurkan2 User

    Ok !
    thanks for that !
  6. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The event should start on the 16th. The Announcement has been updated.

    Happy Sailing!