Winter event chest bugs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KARNAGEVISOR, Dec 17, 2023.

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  1. Hi

    We have 2 bugs on the winter envent'chest.
    First we don't see all the quest, we must see 13 quests, but we don't.
    Second we must have 3 bonus maps each day during 15 days :
    Icewind Cliffs
    But for the moment we have only one quest and one bonus map each day
    And i hope we'll have the 3 other ones each days in 15 days :
    Icebreath, Blackice Ballad, Frostbite.
    Please do something
    Best regards
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm


    The Winter Event Achievement Chests are working, but as you state, they do not appear as usual. As achievements are completed, the completion is registering with the accounts.

    Any attempt to fix the malfunction in the Achievement Chests could create further issues.

    Three of the Bonus Maps do not occur until the 11th Day of the Event.

    Happy Sailing!
    _WhiteBeard_ likes this.
  3. HolySimon

    HolySimon User


    There is an issue with the names of the achievement chests.


    "-[]-" for the Colossus chest &
    "-[]-" for the Winter chest

    ..instead of the actual name of the achievement chest.

    Same issue for the popup box, when achievements is reached.

    Kind regards
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy HolySimon,

    The issue has been reported. However, any attempt to fix the naming issue with the Achievement Chests could create further issues.

    The Winter Event Achievement Chests are working, but as you state, they do not appear as usual. As achievements are completed, the completion is registering with the accounts.

    Happy Sailing!
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