What will be in Halloween event ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~Mc~aidyboy~, Oct 18, 2014.

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  1. I got same problem, but luckily all players get there discount tomorow:)
  2. yes but if we miss a day it wont get all the way down to 0%...... we need to get our 10% off for completing the map today it is not our fault that event was not properly started please fix this bigpoint
  3. I did both maps, got the discount from the Mystified map.
  4. did you do it before or after the server restarts?
  5. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod

    The Ship theatre is currently in testing on the Arabic server. When it is released in other servers there will be an announcement made. :)

    The development team are aware of the issue. Please read the posts Here for further information. Posts #5 and #6 outline what steps are going to be taken and have been taken.

    I hope this helps. :)
  6. thank you for the info wedge
  7. Newsletter is messed up, when i click on the redeem i end up on German server, and it wont allow me to switch to USA1. I dont play on German1 sever, I play USA1. please fix it.

    ANIKHTE User

    discount was broken so if you played it early you got no discount
    bigpoint said it will give you the disconnect tomorrow
  9. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod

    With your issue feel free to contact the Customer Care Team Millenium.Falcon. You can do so by clicking Here. Remember to include your User id and the server you play on in your ticket along with any relevant information regarding this issue.

    I hope this is of help. :)
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