What will be in Halloween event ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~Mc~aidyboy~, Oct 18, 2014.

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  1. what will be in Halloween event and when is it ?
  2. 20/10-3/11 is haloweenevent
    There are 2 bms/day (one free, one with grining death) (i think ;))
    and invasion islands :)
  3. what are invasion islands
  4. .SWIFTY.

    .SWIFTY. User

    Those are part of the winter event.
  5. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod


    For the most recent occurrence of this event you can read up about it Here on the Event F.A.Q section. Until the event is announced Here, I'm afraid I cannot say with certainty when precisely the event will begin.

    Invasion islands are like Guild Islands. You and your guild can attack them and defeat th NPC's defending the island. You receive invasion points according to the level of island you defeat. These invasion points unlock unique event items which you can then acquire for your avatar / upgrade your ships with / add to your inventory.

    Is there anything else we can help you with? :)
  6. http://nl.bigpoint.com/piratestorm/board/threads/halloween-event-2014.22437/#post-141631
    On Dutch forum the dates for the event are already known.:)
  7. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod

  8. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod


    The information concerning this year's Halloween event can be found Here.

    I hope this helps. :)
  9. Did I read something wrong cause it didn't start :(
  10. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Greetings ]Prometeus[, :oops:

    You did not read anything wrong, the event will start shortly. We apologise for this delay.
    Best regards,
  11. Okey thanks :);)
  12. Started i think :) (the bm's but not yet the invasion islands)
  13. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    You are most welcome :p and thank you for your patience!

    Edit: here is an update on this matter - we apologise for the delay once again.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
    ]Prometeus[ likes this.
  14. Saphir

    Saphir User

    The event it's still not working properly...When you will fix the problem??
  15. :p
    Uhm 1 small thing, where are the invasion islands?
  16. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Greetings Saphir, ]Prometeus[, everyone :(

    The Event still hasn't started properly, as announced here, so please wait for an update on this matter :oops: As soon as the event is up and running correctly, we will inform you.
    Best regards,
  17. a question i accidentally didnt accept the quest before finishing mystified island bmap will this have any affect on getting the ship for free?
  18. Will there be no newsletter that gives us a few event items like BP always did?? Why has that stopped? so BP can get the poor players to miss out, and only the money players can compete??
  19. Selevkid

    Selevkid User

    Hello so where is the new ship Theatre? We dont see this new ship on our server :-(
  20. So i did barren depths a couple of times, and i did mystified islands 1 time but no discount from the ship? is it only every other day we get a discount or is something messed up for the people that ran the maps early?
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