What is the plan with this game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lannavo, Oct 29, 2020.

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  1. Lannavo

    Lannavo User

    Hey everyone,

    I am an old player that comes back from time to time and i see that a lot of things do not longer work: app and new moon raffle. pvp system is not that good anymore, low activity on the servers, since i started playing again I haven't seen a single player on the map.

    So i wondered if there is a plan to improve the game again? Or are they going to let it shutdown, would be a pitty because it was a great game back in the day.

    Kind regards.
  2. MrKat

    MrKat User

    I do not think that there is an answer to this. It could go either way. The only piece of info we got was that they are working on a solution on how to keep the game running after flash dies.
    My opinion is that the game itself was really great for its time period 2012ish. However when you take a look at other games that came out in last few years, this game starts to look really outdated. I cannot imagine how any new player would look at this game and be like yeah this is worth my time, when there are so many different games that look up to date.
    As it stands now if they do not update the visuals and the laggy controls of the game I do not think that it is going to appeal to many new players. The gameplay itself and the mechanics are mostly fine.
    My opinion is that the game will continue as they promised but I think as it stands right now the game will not receive any new content, that would be really out of the ordinary for BP.
    As always only time will tell.

    Have a nice day :)
    Lannavo likes this.
  3. Lannavo

    Lannavo User

    Well i played a lot of their games in the day, and to me it seems they don't care about those anymore. Hope they will save this one but it looks bad.
  4. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Lannavo

    Big Point is working to keep the game going in 2021.

    Is there anything else we may help you with?

    Happy Sailing!
  5. Lannavo

    Lannavo User

    Well I was wondering any new maps? Events? Ships? Pvp System? .......
  6. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Lannavo

    We have not been informed when or if new maps, new events, ships or a new pvp season when we know it will be posted.

    Is there anything else we may help you with?

    Happy Sailing!
    Lannavo likes this.
  7. Lannavo

    Lannavo User

    No thank you
  8. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Glad to be of Assistance!

    Best Regards!

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