Suggestion We Need This Please

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by †ξMłßĿξ, May 22, 2023.

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do you agree ?

  1. yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  1. 1- Reduction in the need for players to pair the events of the Lodos, Aranha and Sobek houses, for 8 or 10 people, since the only server that is able to play is EU1 and even because Aranha and Lodos lasts less than 30 seconds with that amount , 5x5 4x4 would be more balanced 2- should at least come with two x3 arena decks accompanying the ship auction which the gladiator comes there are hundreds of people who have the boats but don't have the deck I know several people who would pay millions of diamonds on that deck , because we are not able to play arenas and it would be something logical, right, since the gladiator comes, why not his deck?
    3- if they can't go back with the old patents, that's fine, but the current one is fixed, the scores are reset and so a new season starts, it would bring some players back and moreover, new ones would also come back with the boats to the store who doesn't want to buy the baal?....
  2. This they read, but do not pass on to the programmers, because nothing else in the game has been changed or a simple xp bug has never been corrected, a total disregard and respect for those involved who still take their time playing day after day, waiting for some news that the changes that the community asked for will be made to improve the game, this game was supposed to still be at its peak, too bad they are only looking at the other games.
    †ξMłßĿξ likes this.
  3. Hello
    moderator, is the language used in the event very old?
    would this language take a lot of developer time?
    gives a brief notion to us players.
    the suggested idea is very good, it would help the game and the players a lot, I imagine it wouldn't take a lot of time from the development team, I could be wrong.
    but there was already a correction in the arena recently on the eu2 server.
    tell us would it take a long time to adjust the amount of players in the event, and correct the symbols after the end of the big pirate tournament?
    †ξMłßĿξ likes this.
  4. Very calm friend, let's pray that you listen to our request sincerely I think everyone agrees with my point is perfect.
  5. yes, it's friend, we are left to have patience and hope for it, if we play until today we deserve some gift and this would be the ideal gift, my 3 tips be heard, but it was forwarded to the ICM, I hope he reads with affection too.
  6. NaTi.Bg

    NaTi.Bg User

    the funny thing is that some players actually think bigpoint listens to them :D
  7. We know it doesn't, but one day maybe hope is the last one that dies no matter how much they don't give us
  8. NaTi.Bg

    NaTi.Bg User

    You will wait a long time :confused: you have a better chance of winning the lottery believe me :rolleyes:
    †ξMłßĿξ likes this.
  9. bigpoint abandoned us
  11. J3udm3rd3

    J3udm3rd3 User

    Dead game, dont waste your time
  12. The only issue is that they ban players for actually doing nothing(exclude Bonus map glitch, Bot, more deck and arena push), and doesn't develop the game. I understand that they want clean/fair play, but they made it far more strict than *EDIT* (I have dry/dark sense of humor, I apologize for it).
    They made Game Launcher(the one you download) that has more bugs than players who used to play around 2011-2014(and that's a lot), I used to play with few friends they granted me access to their ships, so if I get ever bored I can collect gold and diamonds(average 30-60min, I get easily bored) and they banned me for 1 year, let's asume that they(my friends which granted me access want to come back and play) they MUST WAIT 1 year ban to be lifted.
    And how do you think players still willl want to play the game.

    I totally agree with you oppinnion