
Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Tiger, May 14, 2019.

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  1. Tiger

    Tiger User

    I suggest BP create some zones where they will be locked during the year , except specific events . During those specific events , all zones from 1-30 will be locked and they players will be forced to play on those new zones. They should be Open PvP so it would be more fun . They players online are scattered across 30 zones and this doesnt help the game. Or even destroy some zones so players would meet more frequently.Bermuda Flash's cooldown time needs to be nerfed ,bombastics damage needs to be nerfed , there should be less cannons , coffin nailers should be nerfed so we all enjoy a better game. Pentar set must be nerfed as well because it is too over-powered.I cant think any more changes right now , but write comments and propose new updates.
  2. Estack

    Estack User

    I don't agree at all.