The Great Pirate Tournament – Community Events

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Fluffkins, May 21, 2014.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy pirates,

    The next Daily Leaderboard Challenge will be on Tomorrow (27th June): Most XP Collected.

    Your PirateStorm Team.
  2. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Here are the results from Fridays Daily Leaderboard Challenge (Most collected XP)


    Good job, Pirates! And congratulations to the winners! But what did you win? You can choose between the Eagle Ship1, Dragons scorn and the Godfather 1. We will also book 2 Set Items. Please contact your language support to tell us which ship you’d like and where you want those Set Items!
  3. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy pirates,

    The next Daily Leaderboard Challenge "Most NHE Monster killed" will be tomorrow (4th of July)

    Your PirateStorm Team.
  4. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Here are the results from Friday's Daily Leaderboard Challenge. (Most NHE Monster Killed)


    Good job, Pirates! And congratulations to the winners! But what did you win? You can choose between the Eagle Ship1, Dragons scorn and the Godfather 1. We will also book 2 Set Items. Please contact your language support to tell us which ship you’d like and where you want those Set Items!

    Your PirateStorm Team.
  5. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The next Daily Leaderboard Challenge will be "Most PvP Points" which will be Thursday (10th of July)

    Good Luck and Happy Sailing.

    Your PirateStorm Team.
  6. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The next Daily Leaderboard Challenge will be "Most Damage to the Ball" which will be on Sunday (13th of July)

    Good Luck and Happy Sailing.

    Your PirateStorm Team.
  7. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Here are the results from the Daily Leaderboard Challenge “Most PvP Points”


    Good job, Pirates! And congratulations to the winners! But what did you win? You can choose between the Eagle Ship1, Dragons scorn and the Godfather 1. We will also book 2 Set Items. Please contact your language support to tell us which ship you’d like and where you want those Set Items!

    Your Pirate Storm Team.
  8. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Here are the results from the Daily Leaderboard Challenge “Most Damage to the Ball”. (13.07.2014)‏


    Good job, Pirates! And congratulations to the winners! But what did you win? You can choose between the Eagle Ship1, Dragons scorn and the Godfather 1. We will also book 2 Set Items. Please contact your language support to tell us which ship you’d like and where you want those Set Items!

    Your Pirate Storm Team.
  9. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    The SvS Most PvP Points winner Europe 1 that took place on 19th June, won a skull day.

    The Skull and Crossbones Day for Europe 1 will take place on Saturday 19th July.

    Your Pirate Storm Team.
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