The Captain’s Orders

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 15, 2013.

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  1. What are the Captain’s Orders?

    The Captain’s Orders are ten new skills which can be found in the Action Menu.Some orders will help give you more power, whereas others will help weaken your opponents.

    When does the Captain give me orders?

    The Captain gives the first order to level one players. After that the Cap’n will give a new order with every level-up until you reach level ten. Then you will have all ten orders!

    How can I activate the Captain’s Orders?

    To activate a Captain’s Order, click on the order you wish to carry out. Some orders however will require you to select a target first. You can also press “Ctrl+1-10“ to activate orders.

    How much does it cost to carry out the Captain’s Orders?

    Absolutely nothing. The Cap’n won’t charge you anything.

    Can I upgrade the Captain’s Orders?

    Yes, starting at level 10, an upgrade will be offered will every level-up. You can buy these upgrades in the Player Profile in the “Captain’s Order” section. In addition, you can invest three new Scrolls of Power in order to further upgrade the Captain’s Orders.

    Can I change the order of the Captain’s Orders?

    No, the order of the Captain’s Orders are fixed. However, you can move the bar by using the “Drag HUD” tool in the Settings.
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