Teleport in battles

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Martin-SK=CZ, Mar 16, 2020.

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    5 vote(s)

    10 vote(s)
  1. I had a suggestion from my friends that there shouldn't be teleport in the game. Vote in the poll please:)
  2. Good Afternoon,

    I think that TP is a very useful and nice feature in the game. It requires and adds a little bit of skill in the the battle, without TP the fight will be a little bit lame and unskilled. My opinion about removing already existing special abilities is negative. I believe that adding even more specials will be a lot more interesting and skill required.
    This suggestion really surprised me, I really want to hear what's the point of removing it and why do you believe will be better, if it is possible.

    ~Best regards,
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
  3. Like i mentioned, I had a suggestion from friends. And I totally disagree with your statement that it requiers skill. Only skill it requires is how much you can put your credit card's info to buy diamonds so you can buy overpowered items.
    PirateWithNoShip likes this.