Announcement Talk like a Pirate Day

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wedgewood, Sep 16, 2015.

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  1. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod

    Arrrre you ready to talk like a pirate?

    Ahoy and avast, Pirates!

    Aye, the time is once again upon us – Talk Like a Pirate Day, when ye can flap yer gums like an old salty dog, ‘til ye just can’t arrrrr anymore! Aye, Talk Like a Pirate Day is a beauty, but there’s even more booty, my hearties!

    Anchors aweigh, ye scallywags! Thar be a special bonus map for ye to sink yer hooks into, but watch yer backs, pirates. Thar be enemy ships a-sailin’ this map, too. Fire ye cannons and prove yer mettle by bein’ th’ last schooner standin’. Don’t break out th’ grog too soon, though, ‘cause thar be two enemy bosses waitin’ for ye and they’re itchin’ to send ye to th’ bottom of Davy Jones’ locker! So batten down yer hatches and load th’ cannons.

    As a reward, ye’ll be gettin‘ chest-loads of experience, diamonds and special Arrrmo. O’ course, ye can repeat th’ bonus map as much as ye’d like.

    The battle begins on September 18th. Ye shouldn’t miss out on th’ chance to win diamonds, ammo and experience on th’ Talk Like a Pirate Day event!

    Event dates:
    Start: 18.09.2015 12:00 (local server time)
    End: 20.09.2015 12:00 (local server time)​
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