Switch Pirate Storm to Unity launcher

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Opana, Apr 11, 2024.

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  1. Opana

    Opana User

    Hi ,
    Why are you not switching Pirate storm at unity as you did with Seafight and Dark Orbit.
    With Unity you will be able to fix your game and add new thing again.
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Opana,

    The Forum Team does not know why the change you recommend has not been made. We will relay your suggestion. If we receive an answer, we will reply to this thread.

    Happy Sailing!
  3. Opana

    Opana User

    Unfortunately there will be no answer :oops: .Too bad the game still has potential
    Thank you for your answer ;)
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Opana,

    You are welcome!

    Best Regards!

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