Suggestions to improve the game.

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Nameless, Oct 9, 2023.

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  1. Nameless

    Nameless User

    A) Raise the life of the fortress to 2 million, so that if only 1 ship goes to throw it, it will be very difficult or not even possible. This way more boats will participate.

    B) Fix the skull system: It had a lot of interesting rewards (ships, blood, cannons...), it would be great if it came back to the store.

    C) Reduce the number of users needed to start a battlefield: due to the few users currently playing, there are no fields to play, so it would be a good idea to lower the number to be able to enter the fields, and get coins for the items and decks, that is very important.

    D) Create new forces: the "arena force" could be created with all the items in the arena, and thus all the arenas would be played (2vs2 and 3vs3). Or "clan force"... This way the game will be played more.

    E) Make some special auction day: with interesting items (rare ships, decks, consumables...).

    F) Make higher diamond sales 1 day a month, not just 20%, but 30 or 40%. This way, people will surely buy more diamonds.

    I hope and wish that some of it comes true please...

  2. I was here before portals, but I left the game. I now enjoy playing it, and I want to.
  3. Nameless

    Nameless User

    What is "portals"? Haha
  4. The portals between zones
  5. Nameless

    Nameless User

  6. Nameless

    Nameless User

    No way
  7. Gabriel, do you have a disc? if you have discord add me _aitorr
  8. Nameless

    Nameless User

    R.I.P Pirate Storm