Southern Territories and Upgrading

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Ahoy Pirates,

    This newly revealed region involves more than just two new maps. It also includes an entirely new feature in the ports: the upgrade function! You can find out more about the key elements of upgrading and what makes the new materials special in the FAQ.

    To use the workshop, you must first complete the related quest, available from the First Mate. Once the quest has been successfully completed, you'll immediately receive the first basic set of materials needed for the workshop.

    There are also two new ships, but you can't buy these from the merchant right away! You first have to complete two individual but related series of quests. By the time you complete the first quest series, you'll have not just a great deal of material and terrific loot, but also a new ship to buy for gold from the shop. Complete the second quest series and a ship will be available for diamonds from the shop.

    And now: let the adventure begin, and don't be surprised if you encounter a stone colossus on your travels...

    Your Pirate Storm Team.
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