Server EU4

Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by TrolleDz, Oct 10, 2017.

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  1. TrolleDz

    TrolleDz User

    Hi all! I'm new here in the forum, but some years ago I played PirateStorm in EU4 (I'm Italian)
    Today, I logged in, but NO-ONE was online.
    Is the server Dead? are all the ppl dead?
    I have my progress only in EU4.. Can I transfer my progress in EU3 for example or others?
    Sorry for my ugly english (I'm italian)
    Thank u guys! I'll wait an answer!
    oleine likes this.
  2. all servers are dead, i suggest you leave :) ,also there is a bug-hack so the game is also unfair.....ciaooo:D
  3. In fact, you can't transfer your account from one server to another.

    If you want to play on the Europe 3 server, you will start again from the beginning because your player identification number changes between each server.

    All the servers are not dead but we are not far away.

    At the moment, Pirate Storm is monopolized by a lot of cheating players, which makes it difficult to progression and enjoy playing honest players. While waiting for the normal return of the game, but hope diminishes.

    Good luck and good game ;)
  4. PaganHorde

    PaganHorde User

    USA not dead. Almost no bug hacks also;)
  5. Count what plays on two hands daily lol its dead .
  6. PaganHorde

    PaganHorde User

    do not be so pessimistic:p
  7. PIPO1965

    PIPO1965 User

    Sorry PaganHorde. It´s dead. BP dont fix the bug. Every day there are players who leave the game. :(
  8. vjmasiero

    vjmasiero User

    Everyone is dead !! there are only a few zombies on the maps !!!
  9. The Walking Bugs ;)
  10. rezaalone

    rezaalone User

  11. jromano

    jromano User

    hello im Impe from eu4 yes the game is dead no one play and almost player who play are bug...

    ciao sono Impe da eu4 sì il gioco è morto nessuno gioca e quasi il giocatore che gioca usa bug...
  12. the fault of the Iranian players of the Russian players of the Polish players and some French if on eur4 there are plenty of cheats. :(
    Guilds of good-for-nothing deserve only contempt. :mad:
  13. you'd better blame players than countries... especially game admins who cheat themselves and don't ban anyone or do anything at all
    MiniPirate and Dann like this.
  14. your comment means the same thing as what i wrote, all the players who cheat are of different nationalities and all admins are also players o_O
  15. tachipo

    tachipo User

    Hi, I try to play from time to time (once per 3 moths) and situation is still the same. One cheater and his fakes in a battleground.. Who can be so ill? BP and its admins only maybe, who else.. Every normal person would correct this game already.. STOP the ****** cheaters! STOP the moon set defect! by the way, it's BP work, your work
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
    vjmasiero likes this.
  16. ATA left the game from EU4 and server died... :D
    ☆THOR☆ likes this.
  17. =AMP=ROMI

    =AMP=ROMI User

    my guild is looking mebers active