Restart the game? (Chapter ll)

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Asterixxx, Jul 9, 2019.

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  1. Asterixxx

    Asterixxx User

    Hello. And again I`m asking: are there any news about the restart of the game? Start the game like it was in 2010-2014 - fix all bugs (which are widely known now), return to the old PVP-system (or combine old global pvp ranks and new pvp season system) and launch new servers.
    Is that a bad idea? Now Bigpoint have a dead game with a little group of active players who will hardly ever buy anything for real money. Restart servers, start advertising the game - and soon you will have alive popular project. Remember: the game still have a lot of fans who are waiting for it being fixed!
    You have a good platform, servers and game code - so what is the problem? Just do this and let`s start from the beginning.

    chav and ~NIRVANA~ like this.
  2. raidmax

    raidmax User

    and who will be so crazy to start this compromised game at first? does anyone ever trust this company?
    chav likes this.
  3. Asterixxx

    Asterixxx User

    As for me, problem would be only according to donating (cause, for example, I used to play with gold premium)... But just start playing again and wait for the future - why not?
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2019
    chav and ~NIRVANA~ like this.
  4. -12345460-

    -12345460- User

    Firstly, I think it would be an other solution if they made a EU server from EU1,2,3,4 and german server(because of the time zone) with active OLD PVP system (because it helps to the lower players to improve). And we get a new playable server maybe where they always searching for cheeters.After this they could advertise it. And when this game is again popular, they can fix it.
    If somebody has for example EU 2 and EU 3 acc they can choose which want they continue.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2019
  5. Asterixxx

    Asterixxx User

    First of all, BP must make a global wipe in all servers from Europe 1 to USA 1. No one can use diamonds, ships and improvements wich they gain useing bugs and cheats. In my opinion, the game can be only started from the "clear sheet" and yes, of course, with the old PVP system. You`re right here and after. But it seems that BP (Bigpoint) don`t care about the game at all...:(
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2019
    chav and ~NIRVANA~ like this.
  6. ~NIRVANA~

    ~NIRVANA~ User

    maiby after all restart the game for make again old sistem of pvp,only in this case come back many old's players.sorry for my bad english
  7. Asterixxx

    Asterixxx User

    We all are looking forward for this moment!
    chav likes this.
  8. Rickachau

    Rickachau User

    I think this is the best option for the game right now
    Asterixxx likes this.
  9. Asterixxx

    Asterixxx User

    And this is final "answer" from support:
    *** This is a system generated answer, do not reply ***
    Please note, that this ticket has been closed. This means, your answer has been rejected.
    If you need to make a new support inquiry, please create a new ticket using the support contact form in the game.
    Thank you!
    Your Bigpoint Customer Service Team
    Good job, BP! But I still have hope...
    chav likes this.