Patch Note 1.3.3

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 20, 2013.

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  1. Improvement: The level limit was increased from 45 to 50. Have fun collecting XP!

    Feature: Sahar the Shadow Colussus – Sahar the Shadow Colussus now terrorizes the maps 29a and 30a.

    Improvement: Performance on guild islands – you can now turn advanced graphic options off in the settings. The performance (especially in large guild battles) can be dramatically improved.

    Improvement: Monsters on guild islands – Level 10 Monsters now cause considerably more damage and have more hitpoints. As a result, the costs were also increased to match.

    Improvement: Arena Cooldown – before you can switch to a new arena, you have to wait 48 hours. This will take effect starting next season.

    Improvement: Auctions now run at the latest until 4:30am (Previously 5:00am).

    Improvement: The Sleetshine Deck for the Frostbrand Winter Ship now carries 40 cannons instead of just 36.
  2. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    A small bugfix went live today.

    For upgrading Large Warrior Cannons you just needed gold and no materials. That is fixed and you need gold and materials now for the upgrading of Large Warrior Cannons.

    Your Pirate Storm Team.
    لوفي14 likes this.
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