Patch Note 1.3.0 (update)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 20, 2013.

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  1. Cannons and Harpoon Launchers

    1. Cannons and harpoon launchers now have a level. The default level is 1.

    2. The "Frostbite” cannon now causes 16 damage instead of 15.

    3. The "Coffin Nailer" harpoon launcher now causes 20 damage instead of 19.


    You can now visit a workshop in the port once you have unlocked the corresponding quest and reached level 5. You can upgrade your weapons in the workshop to increase their level.


    1. Two new maps now exist: "Oasia" and "Dune Sea." Many new quests can be found on these maps. By completing them, you can even unlock two new ships at the Merchant.

    2. Maps 8 and 9 have been renamed 8a and 9a. For this reason, the two new maps are named 8b and 9b.

    3. On the two new maps, you might encounter a new boss monster “Ates the Stone Colussus” who you can repeatedly fight daily.

    4. There are also several NPCs who appear as groups on the two new maps.


    1. There are four new daily port quests which award new materials as rewards.

    2. The Deep-Sea Diver now also finds bars of lead, copper and silver.

    3. The rare materials Lunar Steel and Essence of Fire can be found on the four Deep-Sea Diver bonus maps.

    4. The edges of maps have been embellished.

    Your Pirate Storm Team
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