Nothing new in the game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Μ€ǤΔŘ€Đ, May 2, 2024.

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Does the game need updates?

  1. Yes

  2. Absolutely sure

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  1. Please forum moderators, I'm here today to make a request and forward it to the developers...
    Well, first of all, I would like to say that I recently came back and the game seems to be clean, there is nothing implemented, modified or updated in the game.... Also, I think it is very unfair that other games are more favored than ours pirate game. . The new recipes were applied to the game, and I hope they are invested in the future of the PS... I went back to play with some friends!!! I really miss the pvp rank, and the functional events, the game still has an old style, which I like for nostalgia's sake, but many players told me that there are few events, and some events don't even work anymore, in addition to the medals. the fields no longer go to the winners, that's a shame, just imagine me preparing all year, with items and consumables, bullets, and arriving in the middle of the year to compete for a house for 1 month or more, and at the end , not receive my prize? This needs to be analyzed further!
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Μ€ǤΔŘ€Đ,

    Most of your comments have been addressed with many previous Threads/Posts. The awarding of Summer Medals has been an issue for years. The same is true for Arena Icons.

    The Forum Team has addressed similar concerns and relayed those concerns previously to those that can fix any issue with the game.

    You may search for Threads in the Update & Idea Section and post to those Threads that relate to all your concerns.

    The Forum Team is not aware of any plans to fix any issue at this time. When the Forum Team is made aware of any plans to change the game or when events will occur, we post those in the Forum.

    Best Regards!

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