new special npc 5mil hp

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Jean-Lafitte, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. I heard about some npcs with 5mil hp. I'd like to know if they're fast, if they have minions, range, how hard do they hit, how often do they respawn, do they give boxes, if yes what in them, what do they look like, what rewards for the kill, where do they spawn... ?

    thank you
  2. I have not heard of any 5 mil hp monster, if u get some additional information, I would like to know. Many (if not all) rare mobs, that i know off, dosent have minions and their range is just like any other mobs. Their respawn rate is some hours. So I don't think it exists, but please correct me if im wrong.
  3. brutality

    brutality User

    it was the little fear npc's like when the little fear mod boats were out this time it was a monster that looked like a venus flytrap. it oly dropped some handyman 3ks , it also dropped some presiscions. and 4way grouped it gave 150k xp. and it was spwaning almost back to back