Support New Deck

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Timmy65, Aug 2, 2016.

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  1. Timmy65

    Timmy65 User

    I have a new deck to place on my ship, when I go to purchase this deck from winning it on auction , This deck will not fit on my ship. It is stated the deck has its own section. I have tried to load out to a ship with no decks at all,but still I am not aloud to place the deck on a ship.What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Thanks
  2. which deck on what ship please?
  3. Timmy65

    Timmy65 User

    Hey ChasJohnLad thanks for responding... I have a large Frigate and I have 4 days left to purchase the Iceberg Deck perhaps the ship I have is to small to allow the deck but again, it said it has its own section.
  4. usmisu

    usmisu User

    the iceberg deck only fits the fist of iceguard ship
  5. *TavernMinx*

    *TavernMinx* Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Hello Timmy65,

    Thank you usmisu. Usmisu is correct, even though it does state that it has it's own section, it also states the iceberg deck is for use only on the Fist of Iceguard ship.

    Is there anything else I can help you with?
  6. Timmy65

    Timmy65 User

    :) Thank you all for helping me with this situation. I did not notice that you must have the Fist of Iceguard ship for this deck.I wished I had known that before I started betting on it during the auction, and wasting diamonds. Again thanks to you all.:)
  7. *TavernMinx*

    *TavernMinx* Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Glad we could help. Happy Sailin' :)

    ~Closing Thread as issue was resolved~
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