Might of the Eagle 300-coins

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KARNAGEVISOR, Dec 8, 2024.

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  1. Hi
    So, as on the previous battlefield (Buthu), there is no longer a 300-coins Might of the Eagle power set, item on this Anansi battlefield.
    So it wasn't a bug, but contrary to what you said, yet another game feature removed.
    Do you think that by regularly removing features from the game, you'll attract new players or keep the old ones?
    I know you can't do anything about it, and that these decisions come from your management, but this “marketing strategy” is totally absurd.
    Best regards
  2. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm


    Your frustration is noted. However, Eagle Set Items are only available during the Summer Event.

    Best Regards!
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