Merge the servers ??????

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by SaltoGaming, Jul 16, 2021.

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Who wants to merge the servers ?

  1. Merge the servers

    156 vote(s)
  2. Let the game die

    5 vote(s)
  1. Estack

    Estack User

    In my Europa 2 server I was unable to make an area, so it was a useless event, we urgently need to merge the servers.
    allison12 likes this.
  2. allison12

    allison12 User

    i have played seafight on there they have just merged servers best thing going so i agree to merge this game too
  3. Aurelius27

    Aurelius27 User

    I play this game for more than 10 years (still lvl 29 btw), and for the last 5/6 years there wasn't any change nor improvement. Bigpoint just want to keep winning money this this game, which is fair, they never forced players to stay or to invest more time & money in the game.

    If you are not happy with what the game is today, just go elsewhere! There is plenty of good games, with better graphics, performances and gameplay.

    Does your investment on piratestorm deserves you remain on this game forever?
  4. Ozark

    Ozark User

    Merge the Servers
  5. HELLcz

    HELLcz User

  6. Wts108

    Wts108 User

    Merge All The Severs Just 1 Mega Server
  7. link3392

    link3392 User

    Hello there, Is it possible to merge all server ? bus few people play today and it s hard to PVP, go into arena and battle fields.
    So we can't do insignia to buy event's docks or items.

    Today we are few players on still playing and pvp ladder is down arena ladder is down and it s really sad. I know this is an old game but still funny to play.
  8. juanjo0012

    juanjo0012 User

    I completely agree, I have been a player since 2012 and the servers when playing pvp or battlefields and the same event arena are unplayable, please unify the servers so that the population is stable on the same server
  9. joya

    joya User

    Has the final decision been made ? Even if it's a refusal, you must inform the players.
  10. McAllan

    McAllan User

  11. #MERGE THE SERVERS, out of respect for all the players who made this game happen !!!!!
  12. We just want you to listen to the PIRATE STORM community, out of respect for everyone who invested money over 12 YEARS, just merging the servers and going back to the old PVP system would completely change the course of the game and you would go back to earning money from you.
  13. joya

    joya User

    @WaterWillow Why you are ignoring this message ? :)
  14. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy joya,

    "When we hear something worthy of posting, we will make an announcement in the Announcement Section."

    Happy Sailing!
  15. joya

    joya User

    Ahoy WaterWillow

    "However, there has been discussion on the merging of the servers. The topic has been discussed, but no definitive decision has been made."

    Happy Sailing!
  16. joya

    joya User

    What is the definitive decision ?! I hope you've finished talking o_O

    Don't answer to me again with that type of answer WaterWillow :mad:
  17. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy joya,

    Happy Sailing!
  18. BongoSS

    BongoSS User

  19. vik

    vik User

    never forget #MERGE THE SERVERS
    paauu13 likes this.
  20. Nimbusz

    Nimbusz User

    Merge the Servers