Merge the servers

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by [[$TAR$CR3AM]], Jul 13, 2016.

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put 2 servers together

Poll closed Jan 18, 2019.
  1. YES

    14 vote(s)
  2. NO

    0 vote(s)
  1. =^ᴥ^=

    =^ᴥ^= User

    Hello guys, if we all want the merge and as we have tried it so much on forums to make all time topics about merge,I think its time to make it to support. Some of you might say:'Hey i have tried that, I sent to support about merge but they didnt answer or something else'.Well, I really think if each one of us sends like a letter to support about why we want merge and doing this everyday, I think we got a chance,but of course not spamming them non stop for no reason for merge. Just send different reasons everyday about merge,just no spamming. This may last 1 month,2 month or maybe 6 month but I do believe we can do it. They will probably get abit sick of our letters explaning why we want merge,maybe they will wake up and start to think about it. We all play Pirate Storm daily,we cant see this game go away because they arent listening us. WE NEED TO MAKE THEM LISTEN! As I said, PLEASE DONT SPAM THEM,just writing them will be enough and we will show them that we are part of this community where we spend our time in and our money. I thought this too maybe again someone might say what happends if it doesnt work ? Well I guess we tried :) COME ON GUYS,LETS DO IT! Hit me with a like if you are going to do this and thnx for reading. ^^ Peace
    Blackwater and YellowHammer like this.
  2. Well this i hard cuase alot of player have the oportunity with the same acc to create players in difernet serevr thath are in the same acc so it is hard to keed these ships to one player ... i hope i said it corecty :p
  3. I game on us1, eu2, eu3, eu4, arabia and latin america--but my strongest one is what I would play with and that is eu1 when the servers are combined.

    Even if I had multiple accounts on these servers and not just game accounts, when the servers are combined, i will play with my strongest account as will most people.
    =^ᴥ^= likes this.
  4. It's close to being two months, come on now... Whatcha waiting for?
  5. sauce

    sauce User

    Please merge the servers, we also need a big update like darkorbit's 3D update.

    ANIKHTE User

    so lets see with this pseudo 3d many players have problem with the graphics lagging their system
    so yes lets make it full 3d and have the majority of the players that play the game not able to play it
  7. If they would just merge the servers and promote the game, they wouldn't have to do anything else :p
    =^ᴥ^= likes this.
  8. Come on man
  9. Come on
  10. =^ᴥ^=

    =^ᴥ^= User

    MERGE!!! MERGE! MERGE!!!!!
  11. Merge them! Do Something!
  12. deerslayer

    deerslayer User

    well ether mege the severs or start a hard core adviertising campain to bring new players in
  13. we are past advertising only merge would work if not then server only gonna get worse.i blame roberto lol
  14. PaganHorde

    PaganHorde User

    I personally prefer last one. Because otherwise we got more lagging server. Wonder why they not start campain in China:p
  15. sauce

    sauce User

    Yeah , start campaigning in china, I think im the only chinese player here :p
    YellowHammer likes this.
  16. =^ᴥ^=

    =^ᴥ^= User

    Yeah maybe we would get lagg because alot of players but I prefer lagg because of the merge than lagg for no reason when I need to refresh game everytime :p
    YellowHammer likes this.
  17. PaganHorde

    PaganHorde User

    why do not inform your thousands relatives:D
  18. if the reasons for a little lag is thousands of players, count me in.

    This weekend is the deadest i've ever seen euro1.
  19. ^Tomahawk^

    ^Tomahawk^ User

    Here we have a forum for m8s to voice concern. We have people monitoring (supposedly) the chat room and chatting with us, that are hired by BP, and the many other levels of employees, and yet it does not appear that BR is even reading this forum. We as the players are trying to make this game better, were doing are jobs voicing our concerns, and yet BP does not try to communicate with us or voice their feeling on the game. Are they even looking to see their revenues are dropping or are they to busy building the next game. I suppose if we got an answer from them, we would probably all quit, not telling still gives them some revenue, and some is better then none. Now with the new items at auction, there is a spike in revenue, but that will slide sooner or later. Until BP tries to communicate with us, I'm afraid we are wasting our breath and time. It's sad, I really liked this game.
  20. Merge the servers or there will be no day of tomorrow for this game, the forum is also dying out!
    Wake up BP, now or never.