may i know the next deck giving event?

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Blackzerto, Sep 21, 2014.

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  1. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    may I know when is the next event that gives out a deck?
  2. What decks are you tolking about?
  3. Eclips

    Eclips User

    I think a battleground deck, you have 4 BG (< BattleGround) decks:
    *anansi deck (2 cannons 18 harps)
    * sobek deck (10 cannons 6 harps)
    * pentar deck (10 cannons 6 harps)
    * buthu deck (10 cannons 6 harps)

    When your guild is in top 10, you can buy guilddeck
    10 cannons 6 harps

    By blood moon event you can win a deck
    12 cannons 12 harpoons

    And in the summer, you can buy reef deck.
    6 cannons 6 harpoons

    On some ships are there special decks.
  4. Ok those decks come next summer event wich means next year. For now you should collect the coins from all BG. You will need them to get the decks.
  5. You can buy those decks throughout the year during each relevant BG. So you will get the chance several times a year to buy each deck.
  6. vino

    vino User

    each month BG comes
    respective BG makes availability of there respective decks
    u can be able to buy throughout the year
    eg recently sobek was there [ we can get lower, sobek deck ]

    ANIKHTE User

    next battleground will be buthu and there is a deck to it it will start more or less in 8 days
    after buthu there will be pentar where also you can find a deck. pentar wil be 14 days after buthu starts of 7 days after butu ends :)
    there are 6 battlegrounds and we play 2 every month so in 3 months you will have played them all

    also cannons you get from the winter or summer power december for winter june for the summer
    it is not a deck but it increases your cannons on ship
    the eagle power set which is june-july 2 months period it has the reef deck and also if you have all set you get a bonus of 5 more cannons

    there is the bllodmoon deck you can get in action but expensive it goes 3m in eu4

    and last no least you can increase your cannons through seals
  8. vino

    vino User

    Thanks information :)
  9. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    thanks anikhte i guess you dont know who i am heehee

    ANIKHTE User

    nope i do not suprice me :p
  11. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    I know your guild is ORD

    ANIKHTE User

    llol all europe 4 knows that
  13. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    anikhte hehehehehehehehehe
  14. Hasham13

    Hasham13 User

    HI ankhite :)
    I am Blackpearl
  15. lamoia100

    lamoia100 User

    deck this deck that I believe they need to come out with a new deck once a year or a special ship that has more then one deck cause once you built ships up then what!
  16. there is the halloween exclusive torture deck that goes in the same spot as the reef deck, not exactly cheapest for what it provides but a 5/7 is the best there is before you can get your coins and wait for summer to get the reef