Suggestion Mass unban, trade accounts.

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by -[LAMADREDELTOPO]-, Nov 4, 2023.

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good idea?

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  1. Suggestion:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I think a mass unban would be great for pirate storm players, regardless of what the reason was, why? Well, why did most players create accounts without reading the terms, this of course is no excuse and many were underage when they did this, so they didn't really know what they were doing, motivated just by playing. Well the idea came to my mind because we have many accounts banned for pushing, which really is a problem and we have no right to complain, we have accounts banned for sharing, which is kind of motivated by necessity as we have few players (many banned, or unmotivated by the lack of updates), we also have some banned for buying and selling accounts that whether or not they invested in the game in some way, we have those banned by nick which is also something meaningless, we have banned due to bugs (these ones deserve a little ) but which should also be corrected. There are many reasons why bans of 100 years (there are few human beings who reach 100 years) are also something meaningless, we are bigpoint customers, we trust you every time we add diamonds to an event, item or If they make updates and keep the game playable, bans demotivate everyone. My suggestion for this is to release all accounts regardless of the reason, open a tab on the website and make these accounts available for purchase, those without users or even sell new IDs, move the pirate storm market, let players advertise on page, be creative please. Well here's my suggestion, I'm creating content for pirate storm now and a new event would be incredible, the return of something cool like new patents, along with the possibility of a new account. Thank you all for the attention.;);););):rolleyes: