Looking for Spanish Guild EU-4

Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by |Emperador|, Jul 20, 2024.

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  1. Hello, I haven't played for a long time and I wanted to get back to it. I've seen that they've removed the ingame chat (a very bad decision), so I have to find people to play with through this medium. Is there any active Spanish guild in the game or has it already died? If anyone wants to talk to me, my discord is Archengo#8901 and my ingame name is ||Emperador|| , Thanks to everyone and see you in the waters.:D
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
  2. Hello, aply for IOS i speak spanish

    EVILME User

    Hello, if you want play event and arena you will come in Eu1 because all server are dead .