looking for guild EU2

Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by ykp1, Oct 18, 2020.

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  1. ykp1

    ykp1 User

    im looking for a active guild im new and my lvl is 20 now
    i wonder if some one can help me :)
  2. perez_099

    perez_099 User

    I recommend that you switch from server to eu3, many more people and more animated, there we help you to be a good player.
  3. radko1q

    radko1q User

    Eu 2 w-m gulid join us
  4. ykp1

    ykp1 User

    ok i try eu3
  5. ykp1

    ykp1 User

    WILKI MORSKIE right??