LODOS Battlefield

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by vinmontei, Mar 6, 2024.

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  1. vinmontei

    vinmontei User

    Hello, I come through this message to ask you to help low-level players and those affected by the event. This week you sent a Lodos battlefield, which is badly called because it needs many players simultaneously. And when you start the game, it freezes or disconnects all players and many are unable to participate in the event for this reason. Another reason is for you to enter the field, spend consumables and ammunition, do more than 100 thousand damage and still not earn any coins! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? If you can help to compensate for these various problems in the game, we would like a discount on consumables when the slime coins come to the store, so as not to harm us even more!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. vinmontei

    vinmontei User

    Below are some photos of what happened! [​IMG]
  3. vinmontei

    vinmontei User

    [​IMG]everyone below DEMONZED did not earn coins in either of the two prints
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy vinmontei,

    Players that do not do enough damage usually do not earn coins in this event. This generally occurs because the event ended too quickly due to other players trying to do major damage to earn the top spot.

    If other players wish to help low-level players earn coins, then they will need to slow the event down and shoot with stone or fewer cannons. This would allow these low-level players to do more damage. Building a ship with strong cannons takes time. It is just part of the building of the account process.

    Happy Sailing!
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