Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by Gollum, Aug 15, 2015.

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  1. Gollum

    Gollum User

    Looking for guild on the European 3 server

    about me:
    - 18 y
    - got ts, skype, raidcall
    - norwegian
    - outgoing, easy learner

    - I'm fairly new to the game (2 days) I would love to learn from someone with more experience and skill than me. I'm convinced my own skills will evovle quikly with decent help. And I truly believe I will grow into being a good asset for the guild

    What I want from a guild:
    -postive community
    -active and strong leaders
    -stability (I want to be a part of a stable and strong guild, so if you just started your own guild that will go inactive within the week: Thanks for reading, but not interested)
    - Dont need to be the best elite guild there is. I am still a noob (lvl 19, and a lot to learn) but I do not want to join the scrubbiest there is either)

    Thanks for reading trough! and do get in contact if you know of such a guild :rolleyes:

    |Happy sailing pirates!|
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  2. SirEthan

    SirEthan User

    If you hop over to EU4 we would LOVE to have you on the team here in CBF :D we are a new guild but are looking for friendly and outgoing people such as yourself. seeing as you'd need to start over if you did I'd be glad to help you work your way back up to where you are in EU3. I feel like you and our guild would be a great match ;) lemme know if your interested!
  3. Gollum

    Gollum User

    You seem like a nice guy. and I'm definitely considering your offer. But if I'm gonna have to start from scratch again I feel like I need to know a bit more about the guild:
    -how many people are you?
    -how many active people are you?
    -guild lvl?
  4. SirEthan

    SirEthan User

    I realized the EU servers went for me and went back to US1 sorry :/ but try to contact some of the main people in the top 10 guilds and see if they will take you in ;)
  5. Jmababa

    Jmababa User

    Ethan whats your guild in us1 looking for one considering ROS dont like AFP lvl 5 only too low for a lvl 30 guy