Items auction

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by LABANDERAESPAÑOLA, Sep 4, 2023.

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  1. I find it unfortunate that the game no longer notifies of events, today there has been an auction of items and they have not notified either in the forum, or in the game itself in the current events section, therefore, I demand that they repeat the auction, reschedule it. The developers are laughing at us, every day there are more bugs, a lot of diamond fever but few events that the players want. If you are not going to spend even a minute to fix the game, at least close it because it is unfortunate.
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm


    Demand is a strong word. The Forum Team has inquired about the rescheduling of the last Smuggler's Bay. We will make an announcement if we hear anything.

    Yes. There are many issues with the game. All have been reported.

    Happy Sailing!
  3. Ok, thank you very much, and I'm sorry for the bad words but I've been waiting for this event for more than 1 month
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm


    If the Forum Team receives any news of the event, or any event for that matter, we will post an Announcement in the Forum.

    Best Regards!

    ~Asked & Answered~
    ~~Thread Closed~~
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