Improvements Pirate storm

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Estack, Apr 1, 2019.

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  1. Estack

    Estack User

    I would like the game to have the following improvements and Bigpoint has not kept its promise to improve the game.

    Bring the level 100 for all players and guilds.
    Join the servers
    Add new maps and new quests starting from Carados
    Eliminate guilds and inactive users for at least 3 years.
    arch-567 and TheWhiteKnight like this.
  2. not possible for lack of player
  3. Estack

    Estack User

    Instead it is possible because in the meantime things are done, the former players will return.
  4. Bigpoint has to bring back the game of pirate storm .......bring it back to life .. add several new things and players will come back .. as already somedy said ..... new maps, new quests , increase the level to 100 for players and guilds, new and better ships etc, etc, etc make a couple of maps with NPC and monsters with a much higher PV and give good rewards in those maps
  5. raidmax

    raidmax User

    Are you seriously talking? They do not want to fix the mistakes in the game that have been for years ...
  6. You are right ... regretfully but you are absolutely right :(