I`m the one you are looking for

Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by Apoostate, Nov 2, 2020.

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  1. Apoostate

    Apoostate User

    Hey, level 20 player here, I played a little bit at last winter, got level 20.
    My best ship is Duka.
    I`m looking for guild who will teach me how to pvp and grow.
    Global chat seems dead, but I`m sure that server is not dead.
    I`m from Latvia, but I`m willing to join any english speaking guild.
    MaireLe likes this.
  2. MaireLe

    MaireLe User

    APOSTATE I belong to no guild I am now level 27 and can not seem to get in pvp duel me and I'll teach you what I've learned perhaps you would like to start your own guild? Either way we could help each other get better? US1 Server looking for non guild partner for 1vs1, 2vs2. Email me in game if you think you might be interested?
  3. Lannavo

    Lannavo User

    In which server are you?
  4. perez_099

    perez_099 User

    If you are in eu3, I invited you to CQC