how to get 3k damage?

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Blackzerto, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    how do I? do I need like 140 bombastics? fully upgraded all scrolls? like how much does it cost to get to 3k damage? like how much I have to spend for seals to get to the nice scrolls and upgrade them. and how much I have to spend for dives to unlock the blue map until I get 140 bombastics. Please I want very specific answer thanks.

    ANIKHTE User

    you need to advance in seals so you get the +6 bonus to the cannonballs
    also your ship must be with full decks so you have more cannons
    and last not least you have at least peacemakers or better cannons

    HELLGUY User

    first you have to define 3k damage do you mean 3k damage on players on just npcs? it is a lot easier to hit 3k on npcs. ankhte is right you need to get level 6 perforator ( i dont know how much it takes to get it ) also try to get arena proppelents the 16% dmg instead of 10% makes more difference than you think. also you need to of course get all of the unsinkable decks ( if your after more dmg and willing to pay more storm deck gives slightly more cannons but can be sunk) once you get to about 130-140 cannons ad maxed perf you will be getting close on npcs, but once you get all this done you still wont be there on players that takes upgrading cannons or getting them from voodoo. all in all you can do more with the free stuff than you can with tons of diamonds. the big costing things are the unsinkable decks and the perf ( if done right around 150k diamonds ) but you have to buy things on the half priced days if possible eg wait to buy seals until a half seals day, buy decks on half improv days from BG etc..... also if you go through the time to get to arena proppelents you might as well get a gladiator aswell ( one of the hardest hitting ships besides dow ) all this goes on the assumtion you already have a event ship or a glad or something worth building, because if you dont have a good ship to start with it wont be worth the time. i suggest one of the event ships with its special deck to start with, or if you feel froggy try to get enough 2v2 points for glad before you start building decks on anything. all in all you can build a veryvery strong boat for 200k diamonds or so if you are patient. spend your seals wisely, only unlock each thing to the minimum it requires for the next one, buy on halfpriced days, NEVER buy 18 pounders or soundbreakers from shop ( soo not worth it when LWC and bombs are easier to get ), work on 2v2s and get arena propps and glad( glad is actually pretty cheap especially if you get it on half priced day ) hope this helps awnser your question ! im currently hitting around 2-2.5k on players and im nowhere near full of good cannons i still have over 100 LWC lol..... Also your damage of course depends on what armor your enemy has on.... a ahab with glacier plates and scorpion plates you will be lucky to be hitting 2k at best lol.
  4. HELLGUY is right if do like that you will get 3K dmg
  5. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    thanks hellguy. can I ask what LWC is large warrior?

    HELLGUY User

    no problem and yes LWC- LargeWarriorCannons
  7. you should have some eagle cannons in ur ship until U gonna have Full bombs...It is the 2nd strongest cannon in my can reach 3K with those tooo.

    HELLGUY User

    yeah lvl 3 eagle is better than lvl 2 bomb so until your most of way full bombs better off to just upgrade eagles to lvl 3 and leavem
  9. yeah those are MIND blowing awesome!!! :D :D :D
  10. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    guys if i get perforator level 5 what is the increase of damage were talking about here?

    HELLGUY User

    depending on you cannons ( better cannons- more increase ) around 500-700 from what i remember ( have had mine maxed for a while )

    ANIKHTE User

    you get +6 damage
  13. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    lets just say i have cannons better than large warrior but not stronger than bombastic. so how much? my friend told me double?

    ANIKHTE User

    large warriors is 16 and stone is 1 thats 17
    with that you will go 16+!+6=23
    35% better
    but trust me it is much
  15. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    no anikhte i mean if my damage was 2k will it be 4k?

    ANIKHTE User

    i said 35% better thats not double
  17. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    no I meant how better like how much more will it increase! like 500 points more or something?

    ANIKHTE User

  19. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    wow low.... thanks anyway :)