Help recovering account

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Chepavo7, Aug 16, 2023.

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  1. Chepavo7

    Chepavo7 User

    So, I used to play back in 2015-2016 and also I used to use real money... So, for some reason which I don't remember, I stoped playing in 2016-2017 but I started a transaction and did not pay to the fullest (or so the message says). Therefore, when I try to login I get this message:

    "Access to your account with user ID ------- is currently blocked. Pay pending transactions until 02.16.2017 to regain full access to your account. Please note that depending on the payment method you have chosen, it may take several days for us to receive your payment and up to 24 hours for us to unlock your account once payment is received. If you have any questions, please contact us through the payment request that we have sent you by email."

    I checked my email and I dont have any emails at all prior to 2020, I also checked with paypal but same I dont have any transactions prior to 2021 and I have tried to reach out to support through the homepage but they have proved to be useless, just saying things like:

    "Based on what you submitted. You were given a deadline to make the payment. Also, it indicates that you were contacted by email with the details. Please search your email history for the email.

    If you have any questions, please contact us through the payment request that we have sent you by email."

    If I had those things I would not be reaching out to them but it seems they don't care, so here I am, hoping to get any assistance at all, not sure if this will help but im just trying.
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Chepavo7,

    The Forum Team does not have access to player accounts. You will need to continue to work with Support to try and recover the account.

    Best Regards!

    ~~Thread Closed~~
    ~Support Issue~
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