Give older players something to do.

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Almighty1337, Feb 12, 2020.

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  1. Many things could be done, complex ones like adding new Battlegrounds or events

    Simpler ones such as adding maps and quests and upping the max level and guild level.

    Very simple ones like creating a new tier of canons and harps, new consumables..

  2. I'd prefer giving fire essence to players who didn't do voodoo bugs.. it's really pitty how I have to spend tons of diamonds on voodoos for getting materials xdd problem is that they dont really care about the game.. monthly raffle is not in the game anymore.. ship auction wasnt here for really long.... don't bother yourself with ideas like that man, play the game as it's meant to be played.. maybe if they put it in other engine they will care more about the game