Suggestion Gameplay in 2024

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by blopjh222, Apr 4, 2024.

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  1. blopjh222

    blopjh222 User

    Firts of all, i'm not good at english, that's why i'm sorry. Well, dear developers, it's sadly to say, but you make from a great game a peace of sh*t and i don't understand why.

    1. Deleted old PvP system and rewards for skulls. Why?
    2. Where is chat? Why you delete it?
    3. Do you fix all game bugs? (for example extra cannons bug)

    So what we have now?

    Game is dead, no arena, no PvP system, no players... How i can buy arena 2vs2 and 3vs3 items?

    My suggestion:

    1. Firts make one server for the game. There are currently about 100-200 people playing on each server, so you have chanse to bring back gameplay. (pvp, arena)
    2. Bring back old PvP and chat. If it so hard, make new pvp system (like season 1 and 2). But chat is very important for communicaton players.
    3. Make an add for the project to attract new players and possibly return old ones.

    These actions are beneficial both for you and for us, because you earn money from donations from the project.

    I wish all of you the best and hope that you think about it and make some decisions.
    ellvis1999, Gorn133 and paauu13 like this.