
Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by CatDog50RUS, Nov 6, 2023.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. For some reason, no one from the developers answers questions about what the fate of the game is, whether it will be engaged and what future it has, I would like an old PVP system, in-game chat and server integration so that you can play with people. Not to mention the fact that many things have become unavailable due to the lack of players in it.
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy CatDog50RUS,

    The Forum Team has addressed these topics many times.
    • Fate of Game: No plans to shut down the game
    • Return to PVP System: Forum Team has relayed the request. No plans to return to the Old PVP System
    • Server Migration: Discussed. No Longer being discussed.
    • Lack of Players: The lack of players is something that each server has an issue with.
    Happy Sailing!
  3. Fabio

    Fabio User

    ok, but we are spending our time and money on the game and we wanted as little as the game would be like it used to be, there is no justification for doing this! Is there any other way we can talk to people who can solve the game?
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Fabio,

    The only way for the Forum Community to relay their concerns is in the Update & Idea Section of the Forum. All the concerns of the Forum Community have been relayed to those that can fix the game, make adjustments to the game, etc. There are no plans to change anything at this time. If/when the Forum Team learns of anything related to the game, we always post the information in the Forum.

    Happy Sailing!
  5. Snake1

    Snake1 User

    Its just a browser game but back then when people played i think the game made very good amount of money so i wonder why did BigPoint lose interest in making it better, you dont need much, couple of fixes a new trailer to put out so people see the game is back and BigPoint can earn money again
  6. zzz

    zzz User

    they don't want money from this game
  7. blaeo

    blaeo User

    @WaterWillow asked for too much increase, now there's no more budget
  8. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    All the concerns of the Forum Community have been relayed to those that can fix the game, make adjustments to the game, etc. There are no plans to change anything at this time. If/when the Forum Team learns of anything related to the game, we always post the information in the Forum.

    Happy Sailing!
  9. blaeo

    blaeo User

    we know we know buddy we've known for years what Bigpoint is. Your job is to do what? because it doesn't look that complicated. Why Bigpoint is keeping you on the PirateStorm team if there is no plans to change anything ?
  10. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    I guess to suspend your account from the Forum for spam/rude posts.

    Happy Sailing!