Friend Maps

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Formacor289, Apr 22, 2019.

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  1. You probably know what the friend map is they`re the two maps on the bottom of the bonus map section. They are rumored to give you loads of diamonds but they do not work any more, i know that they used to be a way for high people to get loads of diamonds for themselves by using "alts" to do them, but i think that they are a good way for players to recruit other people that they know to this awesome game, and they are a way for people to know each other outside the game, because it takes a email invite to get people to come do them. They also take a large frigate for one map and a frigate for the other one. It helps if these ships are built. All this to say it would be great if BP would fix these maps.
    nlpo and Monsters_Hunter like this.
  2. The friends maps don't work due to the fact that BP changed the game due to privacy issues.. Haven't worked for years..
  3. haunted415

    haunted415 User

    yes it would be nice for them to fix it i highly doubt it though. the game has pretty much been thrown to the wind and runs off an extemely small team. but as mountainman said it hasnt worked for years.
  4. luannaship

    luannaship User
