Fortress Warden

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 15, 2013.

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  1. The following is to help you understand the Fortress Warden.

    The following photo shows you the window after you have clicked on the Fortress Warden icon from the Guild Island entry window.


    The photo that follows indicates what you can do after clicking on the Fortress word in the black bar below the icons.


    The following is to show how to build and upgrade Defense Towers for your guild's Island.

    By clicking on the buttons indicated by the orange square in the photo below, you can build or upgrade the guild island defense towers.


    By clicking on the icon indicated by the yellow highlight, will bring you to the Monster Den. Here is where you can breed and train your Guild Island Defense Monsters. Clicking on the buttons circled in orange in the below photo will breed or train said monsters.

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