Fix Game Yes or No?

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Hot_Shot_Rob™, Dec 20, 2017.

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  1. [-PRO-]

    [-PRO-] User

    I just hope they do finally do something to fix this game even if its at start of 2019 fresh year calls for fresh game , by fresh game i just mean listening to what community want such as old pvp or atleast some form of pvp because now we cannot even use skulls we earn/loose
  2. Idea to end bonus map bug (Block missiles celestial fire, missel tear among others) I say locking in the same way that we can not use. Just like the normal ammunition on the event map, we can not shoot the npcs.
    KORINGA and Carlosgas01 like this.
  3. Good idea, if it is not possible, get the missiles out of the game, just leave it dazzling, who will want to bugar a bonus map with a dazzling
  4. Newbiee

    Newbiee User

    Cool, next move - Prevent Ahabs to enter arena.
    Prevent Ahabs to shoot to player ships!
    Also, include seals in Voodoo map bonus for completion!
    TheWhiteKnight likes this.
  5. vjmasiero

    vjmasiero User

    You do not understand !!
    We've sent you thousands of ideas.
    They just need them to work !!
    TheWhiteKnight likes this.
  6. ~BLANK~

    ~BLANK~ User

    Why is it after years this game is still not fixed ???
  7. raidmax

    raidmax User

    Because they have no maintenance team and they are not interested !!!
    TIOTOON likes this.