FAQs: The Wrath of Carnage

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 15, 2013.

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  1. What is the object of the game?

    The object of the game is to destroy your enemy’s tower with cannons or damaging rockets. The damage inflicted on your tower will affect your damage statistics.​

    How is the battlefield set up?

    The battlefield is a rectangular map. The respawning point for the red team is in the upper left-hand corner of the map, while the respawning point for the blue team is in the lower right-hand corner. There are sickle-shaped islands in front of the respawning points, which is where the towers are located.​

    How long does the match last?

    A match lasts 10 minutes, at the most.​

    How do you win the match?

    The winner of the match is the team that is the first to destroy their enemy’s tower. If time is up and neither of the towers has been completely destroyed, then the winner is the team that has inflicted the most damage on their enemy’s tower. If both towers are destroyed at the same time, or if neither of the towers has been hit when time is up, the winner will be determined using the following statistics (in descending order):
    • Most boats sunk per team
    • Most damage inflicted per team
    • Highest average damage per team

    Should there still not be a conclusive winner at the end of the match, it will be deemed a draw.​

    What can I win?
    • 3 Lodus coins for each member of the winning team
    • 1 Lodus coin for each member of the losing team
    • 1 Eagle Medal for the member of the winning team who doled out the most damage
    Each pirate house Battlefield has its own set of unique rewards.
    Note: The coin requirements and cost for items may be subject to change.



    Last edited by moderator: Sep 12, 2014
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