FAQs: Storm of Broken Hearts

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Wedgewood, Feb 15, 2017.

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  1. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod

    What are invasions?
    • Invasions are event maps intended only for guilds with a guild island! These maps represent guild islands belonging to Zymen Danseker.
    How can I attack Zymen Danseker’s outposts?
    • If your guild has a guild island, go to Guild Island List, then to the sub-tab “Invasion”. Here you will find a list of Zymen Danseker’s guild islands. An attack can be started by everyone who has the appropriate guild rights.
    Where can I find rewards for the invasions?
    • Rewards for defeating Danseker’s outposts can be found in Guild > Rewards > Invasion.
    Will there be an event ship?
    • An event ship will be up for sale in the shop. Depending on how you perform on the event maps “Dansker Den" and “Dancer's Lair", a rebate will be given on the ship’s original purchase price. If you’re good, you can even get a 100% rebate and thereby not have to spend any diamonds on the ship!
    Will there be event ammo?
    • Yes. There will be event ammo in the shop. You will need event ammo to kill NPCs on the Dancer's Lair event map. Furthermore, event ammo dishes out double the damage on events maps and causes twice the amount of damage to Zymen Denseker’s outposts.
    How can I get event ammo?
    • You can loot event ammo on the Danseker Den and Dancer's Lair maps. You can also receive event ammo on these maps as rewards. Of course, event ammo can be bought in the shop, too.
    Will there be special quests during the event?
    • Yes. We created event quests for you. Every quest completed will unlock an event map and will reward you with a 10% rebate on the event ship. Just like normal bonus maps, event maps can only be played once (either by successfully completing them or losing all lives). For that reason, make sure that you have enough lives before entering a map!
    Here’s the schedule:
    • Event quest 1: (unlocks Event Map 1 “Danseker Den” for the first time from 12:00 to 24:00)
    • Event quest 2: (unlocks Event Map 2 “Dancer's Lair" for the first time from 00:00 to 24:00; event ammo is required in order to kill NPCs on this map)
    • Event quest 3: (unlocks event map 1 “Danseker Den” for the second time from 00:00 to 24:00)
    • Event quest 4: (unlocks Event Map 2 “Dancer's Lair" for the second time from 00:00 to 24:00; event ammo is required in order to kill NPCs on this map)
    • Event quest 5: (unlocks event map 1 “Danseker Den” for the third time from 00:00 to 24:00)
    • Event quest 6: (unlocks Event Map 2 “Dancer's Lair" for the third time from 00:00 to 24:00; event ammo is required in order to kill NPCs on this map)
    • Event quest 7: (unlocks event map 1 “Danseker Den” for the fourth time from 00:00 to 24:00)
    • Event quest 8: (unlocks Event Map 2 “Dancer's Lair" for the fourth time from 00:00 to 12:00; event ammo is required in order to kill NPCs on this map)
    • Event map 1: Danseker Den
    • Event map 2: Dancer's Lair, event ammo is required for this map!
    Is there a possibility to play an event map after the announced date?
    • You can only enter an event map during the times and dates specified. You can play event quests however, which have been previously activated and will receive normal rewards of XP and gold.

    What will happen if I am on Event Map 1 or 2 at midnight?

    • You will be left on the map and can continue playing. However, as soon as you leave the map, you won’t be able to return to it.

    New Items: One Shots
    IDAliasFunctionCooldownGearscoreToken Cost
    -Unforgiving Love MineContact Mine with Debuff
    Damage: 1500 - 2000 HP Instant
    -100 HP / Sec for 30 Seconds
    Aoe Range: 110 Meter
    Tracking Range: 0 Meter
    Trigger Range: 100 Meter
    MoveSpeed: 0
    5 Min-5 for 5000 Dias
    -Hot BloodInstant repair 5000
    Player gets + 3000 HP for 24H
    1 H-10 for 5000 Dias
    -Love PotionHeal Over Time
    + 500 HP / sec for 30 Sec
    10 Min-5 for 5000 Dia

    Event Items

    Churning Envy


    Cruel Venus Deck

    Availability: Valentines Event (February)
    Fits on: Churning Envy
    Extra Cannons: 10
    Extra Harpoon Launchers: 12
    Unsinkable: Yes
    Space used: This deck has its own section


    Boiling Blood

    Price: (10) 5,000 diamonds
    Availability: Storm of Broken Hearts Event

    Cupid's Arrow - Storm of Broken Hearts

    Enemy Type: Monsters
    Base Damage: 13
    Monster Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 15%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 11%
    Note: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Available as Possible Reward During Event
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 12, 2018
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