FAQs: Harpoon Damage/Description

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by WaterWillow, Aug 17, 2019.

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  1. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Note: Price, availability, and/or requirement to purchase/earn harpoons is subject to change.

    Harpoons Available Daily For Purchase

    Steel, Iron & Stone


    Harpoons Available to Build in the Guild Island Workshop

    Spawn Spearers


    Spawn Spearers can be built (1,000 for 40,000 gold) in the Guild Island with the purchase of the Blueprint for 4K Diamonds.
    The Guild must have a Level 9 Workshop and 12,000 Plunder Points to be able to build Spawn Spearers.
    Purchase Price: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds

    Event & Other Harpoons

    Cupid's Arrow - Storm of Broken Hearts


    Enemy Type: Monsters
    Base Damage: 13
    Monster Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 15%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 11%
    Note: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Available as Possible Reward During Event

    Lightning Blade - Storm Day


    Enemy Type: Monsters
    Base Damage: 15
    Monster Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 15%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 10%
    Note: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Available as Possible Reward During Event

    Death Claw - Celebration of Heroes


    Enemy Type: Monsters
    Base Damage: 13
    Monster Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 10%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 25%
    Note: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Available as Possible Reward In Event Maps

    Star Gnawer - Pirate Fest


    Note: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Available as Possible Reward During Event

    Eagle Harpoon - Availability: The Great Pirate Tournament


    Gangrene - Shooting Match and Voodoo Skull


    Enemy Type: Monsters
    Base Damage: 13
    Monster Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 15%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 10%
    Note: Not Available for Purchase; Shooting Match & Voodoo Skull Map Possible Reward
    Lator likes this.
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